Another oldie from Sexy Loops (10th Aug 2019) In my last FP (the Okinawa trip report) I only mentioned two of the three anglers. This was because the third rod made me think a lot about what people expect and the impact it can have on a trip. He spent a lot of the time complaining about how the island wasn't very fishy or how the flat was empty, which was in complete opposition to my experience of the fishing. I found it a bit perplexing and a little annoying. As the week went on I was running it over in my mind, but it wasn't until a conversation later in the week that everything really clicked. The guy regularly fishes a sandbar on a closed resort island in the Maldives that might see 10 rods a year and another Okinawan island for sea bream, catching numerous fish each day- some of them almost 12 inches long! With a guide. As soon as I we spoke about that, a lot of his comments and the way he was fishing made much more sense to me. He'd become so a...
A Japan based, fly fishing blog covering a range of species from fresh water to salt.