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Showing posts with the label gotcha

Rubber Legged Gotcha

The Gotcha needs no introduction as a bonefih fly, this rubber legged variant just provides a bit more movement at rest which often helps tempt more finicky fish. Materials list Hook: Gamkatsu SL11-3H Size 8-4 Thread: Fl. pink Danville's 140 Weight: Beadchain or dumbbells to suit Tail: Pearl crystal flash Body: Pearl flatbraid Wing: Sand craft fur Legs: Barred silileg (small) Weedguard: hard mono To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up. DIY Bonefishing Book of the Month 9: A Perfect Fish This beautifully illustrated book is quite hard to come by but you'll probably be able to find a copy by following my amazon links. Amazon .com Amazon UK Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. Alternatively it can sometimes be found on ebay

Gotcha Clouser

  This nice Clouser variation appears in Dick Brown's book; Bonefish Fly Patterns. It's a simple tie but very effective tied in a range of sizes and weights to suit conditions, also it's a good each way bet for locations where other more predatory species might turn up on the flats instead of bonefish. Material list Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H size 8-2 Thread: Fl. pink Danville's Weight: Bead chain, brass or lead dumbbells Tail:White Craft Fur Body: Tying thread Flash: Crystal flash Wing: Sand/tan craft fur Weedguard: 16-20lb hard nylon Book of the Month 8: Strip-Set is available here Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up.