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Planning Sessions

 An old one I wrote for

Just a quick one from me this week, I almost forgot as the days are blurring into each other. It's been too cold for much in the way of fishing here, I could have gone out for carp but it's been consistently below zero over night for the past couple of weeks, better just to stay home with a mince pie, mess around with the fishing stuff, make some inroads on my book of carp flies and try to plan what the coming year will bring.

If things start normalising a bit more I might make it over to Malaysia to see Paul, drink some whisky and miss shots at snakehead. I'd also like to get back to Scotland for a month or so, see family head to the Hebrides for some machair loch browns, hit Loch Lomond and a few others for pike and spend some days chasing grayling on the Tweed. But who knows, it seems like the travel regulations are changing all the time here: maybe we can leave, maybe we can get back in, maybe we'll have to quarantine in a hotel, maybe at home, maybe we can't get back in. Have to wait and see.

So I'm also thinking about what I can do here. I'm looking foraward to the maruta in March, I'd missed them for several years until last year and really enjoyed targetting them. I'll probably switch the focus back to carp somewhat too. In recent years smallmouth have been my main target really, but this year I've been getting back into carp and have remembered why they used to be almost exclusively all I fished for, also I'm not as good at it as I used to be which is annoying.

January will see the seabass back from spawning so, I'll get canadian John out with his spinning rod and see if we can't catch him a couple of fish. I reckon I'll get him on the fly rod this year too, which might actually increase his chances of success in the local rivers.

Hope you all have a better 2022. Aw the best 'n' lang may yer lum reek


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