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Showing posts with the label loch style

Peter Ross

  The Peter Ross is a great fly for lochs and rivers. Tied in various sizes it can be a deadly midge imitation, a small baitfish imitation or an attractor for salmon and seatrout. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 6-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Tail: Golden pheasant tippet Rib: Silver wire Body: Silver tinsel & red seal fur Wing: Teal Hackle: Black hen To support the channel, join the online tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up or donate at


 Another old one I wrote for We're well into May now, spring is fully here and the mayfly will be here soon too. Whether on rivers or still waters, it's one of the main events of the season and it's the time of year I really miss being on the lochs back home. Although Ireland's loughs are probably the place that springs to mind for most people when it comes to mayfly fishing in still waters, there are some lochs in Scotland with good hatches that offer some fantastic fishing especially-but not limited to- Caithness. Oddly though, mayfly time seems to be less of and event than it is in Ireland, maybe because it comes a bit later in the highlands. Admittedly the hatches usually are not quite so prolific as on the likes of Mask and Corrib but they last longer, sometimes even until early August! I've had some amazing days on Mentieth, Hillend and others with both numbers and quality of fish, often wild, sometimes well mended overwintered rainbows depen...

Teal Winged Sedge

  Simple, scruffy and unassuming, these little sedge patterns are fantastic fish catchers when there are sedge hatching. Fish them near the surface, maybe in conjunction with a muddler on point or bob. Expect savage takes as the trout chase this for an escaping caddis pupa. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 or 170 size 12 Thread: Uni 8/0 in a brownish shade Rib: Gold wire Body: Seal fur or sub mixed to a tobacco brown Body hackle: Red game, ginger or rusty dun hen Wing: Bunched teal flank Head hackle: Brown partridge Book of the Month 8: Strip-Set is available here Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up.

Concrete Bowl

  I believe this lure is a Micky Bewick pattern, originally used on concrete bowl type reservoirs which gave the fly its name. It's a pretty straightforward tie, needing only a few materials, but often proves more effective than fancier patterns. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8 or 10 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Tail: Black marabou Rib: Silver wire Body: Cat green chenille Hackle: Black cock or hen Book of the Month 8: Strip-Set is available here Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up.

Jaffa Booby

The Jaffa is a great mini lure and adding booby eyes only makes it better. Although some people don't like the booby, it's a fantastic, versatile fly that works for all kinds of still water trout. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10 Thread: Fl. orange veevus 6/0 Tail: Fl. orange marabou Rib: Mirage tinsel Body: 50/50 mix of UV hot orange & Fl. shell pink ice dub Wing: Fl. orange marabou Flash: Pearl polar flash Eyes: 7mm plastazote foam cylinder   To support the channel, get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways, head to sign up or donate through Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel.

Claret Dabbler

The claret dabbler is a modern classic. It's amazing in a big wave on overcast days, either on the point or top dropper. This variant is no exception. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Tag: Red holographic Tail: Bronze mallard Rib: Red wire Body: Claret seal fur Body hackle: Claret cock Shoulder hackle: Dark claret hen Cloak: Bronze mallard Wing: Bronze mallard Cheeks: Jungle cock   To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions, members only content and enter giveaways head to and sign up or head to and donate Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel.

Spent Westie

The Spent Westie is a great dry pattern for imitating the spent danica & vulgata mayflies. Although it sits flush to the surface, it floats well and is quite visible to the angler because of the fan wing. All in all it's fantastic spent gnat imitation Materials list Hook: Kamasan B170 size 10 or 12 Thread: White Veevus 10/0 then Black Uni 8/0 Tail: Moose body or similar Butt: Glo-brite no.4 Rib: Black spanflex Body: White poly yarn Wing: Widgeon flank Hackle: Black cock, tied short.   To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions, members only content and enter giveaways head to and sign up or head to and donate Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel.

Rutland Sparkler

  Tied on both single and double hooks the black Rutland sparkler is a fantastic searching pattern for both wild and stocked fish. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10 or B270 size 12 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Tail: Sparkler wing mix gold/silver/pearl Body: Black 6mm fritz Wing: Sparkler wing mix gold/silver/pearl To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions, members only content and enter giveaways head to and sign up or head to and donate Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel.

Charlie Mclean

  The Charlie Mclean is a great wet from the Hebrides that will catch wild browns anywhere. I generally like it with the hackle tied thick, long and leggy, but it can be worth having a slimmer version in your box too. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Blick Uni 8/0 Tag: Silver tinsel Tail: Glo-brite no.7 Rib: Oval silver tinsel or wire Rear body: Silver tinsel Front body: Hen hackles, white, red game, white To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions, members only content and enter giveaways head to and sign up or head to and donate Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel.

Cat's Whisker

  The cat's whisker needs no introduction. Although there are hundreds of variations this simple mini lure is a fantastic fly that should be in every loch style angler's box. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10 or B270 size 12 Thread: Fire orange Uni 8/0 Tail: White marabou Body: 6mm cat green fritz or cat green chenille Wing: White marabou Flash: Silver/pearl Polar flash or similar Cheeks: Jungle cock Head: Glo-brite no. 4 To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions, members only content and enter giveaways head to and sign up or head to and donate Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel.

Sunburst Muddled Mayfly

The mayfly offers some of the most exciting fishing of the year and in a big wave there's nothing like a muddler mayfly on the top dropper. This version with the sunburst hackle is great when you want something with a bit of colour in the dressing. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10 or 12 Thread: Brown Uni 8/0 Tail: Cock pheasant tail Rib: Oval gold Body: PTFE plumber's tape Body hackle: Henny badger cock Shoulder hackle: Sunburst hen Head: Roe deer dyed olive To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions, members only content and enter giveaways head to and sign up or head to and donate Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel.

Pearly Green Palmer

  This is a great wet fly on its day and comes into its own in the summer fished in weedy bays. The dun hackle deyed fluorescent chartreuse provides good visibility for the olive tone even at depth. I also fancy it would make a fair showing around mayfly time, although I haven't tried it in that situation. Peter O'Reilly's book, The Flies of Ireland is available here ( ( Material list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-12 Thread: Light olive Uni 8/0 Tag: Globrite no.12 Tail: Golden pheasant crest Rib 1: Silver wire Rib 2: Opal mirage tinsel Body: 50/50 mix olive & fluo. green seal fur Body hackle: Dark dun dyed fluo. chartreuse Head hackle: Olive hen To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions, members only content and enter giveaways head to and sign up or head to and donate Book of the ...

Dark Olive

  This Dark Olive is a version of the Cathal Rush Pattern listed in Peter O'Reilly's Flies of Ireland. It's a good early season fly, especially when the large olives are hatching. The Red game hackle blends fantastically with the dark olive dubbing to give a great illusion of life. Just enough light transmission for a 'glow' around the edge of the strong silhouette when viewed from below. Fish it on the top dropper. Peter's book is available here ( ( Material list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Brown or olive Uni 8/0 Tag: Mirage tinsel Tail: GP tippet dyed hot orange& Globrite no. 7 Rib: Copper wire Body: Dark or sooty olive seal fur Body hackle: Red game cock Wing: Bronze mallard Head hackle: Red game hen To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions, members only content and enter giveaways head to and sign up o...

Cock Robin

  The Cock Robin is an old wetfly that fishes well on the point or middle dropper. It can be particularly effective early in the season when olives are hatching or, when tied larger, at mayfly time. Peter O'Reilly's book, The Flies of Ireland is available here ( ( Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Tail: Bronze mallard Rib: Fine oval gold Body: Golden olive seal fur followed by red seal fur Wing: Bronze mallard Hackle: Red game hen To support the channel, get access to the online tying sessions and be entered into the giveaways, head to or and sign up

Duck Fly Emerger

  In his book "Flies of Ireland", Peter O'Reilly attributes this fly to Cyril Conlon. It's a fantastic choice for the duckfly hatch but don't think you can't use it further afield it's great for dark buzzers more generally. I find fishing 2 of them on the droppers with a hedgehog or mini-muddler on the point to keep the team high in the water column to be deadly when the fish are looking up. Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel. To support the channel, get access to the zoom tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to or Materials list Hook: Kamasan B160 size 10-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Tag: Flat silver tinsel* Rib: Silver wire Wings: White hackle tip Thorax: Red or Orange seal fur Hackle: Sparse black hen *Fly can be tied wi...

Leggy Golden Olive Bumble

  This Leggy version of the golden olive bumble is a fantastic top dropper pattern in a big wave. It's ideal for mayfly time on the Irish or Scottish lochs but will work all season. I'm sure it'll catch trout in still waters anywhere. To support the channel, enter the giveaways and get access to the monthly zoom tying sessions, head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 brown Tag: flat gold Tail: Golden pheasant crest Body: Golden olive seal fur Rib: Fine oval gold Body hackles: Chinese cock, golden olive & dark ginger Shoulder hackle: Golden pheasant red breast feather Head hackle: Blue jay Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK

Blue Zulu

  The Blue Zulu is a great wet fly for the wild lochs whether chasing brown trout, seatrout or salmon. To support my channel, join the Monthly online fly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Stan Headley's book Trout and Salmon Flies of Scotland is available from my amazon link here Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Tail: Fl. red wool Body: Black seal fur Rib: Silver tinsel Body hackle: Black hen Head hackle: Blue hen

Lethal Weapon

  Rab Adam tied this fly for Ayrshire's reservoirs, specifically the Camphill dam, but it certainly works well further afield. To support my channel, get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Body: 60%Hare's ear 40% yellow olive seal fur Rib: Gold tinsel Body hackle: Ginger/natural red cock hackle Head hackle: Brown partridge

The Irishman's Claret

  More compact than a dabbler but offering a heavier form than a bumble, the Irishman's Claret is a nice wet fly pattern for the top dropper that fishes best in a decent wave. To support my channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-12 Thread: Black Tail: Golden pheasant tippet dyed hot orange Optional flash: Crinkle mirror flash-orange Rib: Fine oval gold Body: Claret seal's fur Body hackle: Claret cock Wing: Bronze mallard Head hackle: Dark claret hen

A Glimmer of Hope

Another old post from   Recently I've been tying a box of flies to take to Caithness and the Hebrides once we're able to travel again and I can get to Scotland. The Hebrides, Uist's machair lochs in particular have some of the best wild brown trout fishing out there, mostly traditional wetfly, with dapping also being worth a go if you fancy something a bit different and exciting. There's nothing groundbreaking going in the box, the usual wets, snatchers, muddlers and hedgehogs mostly. Dapping flies, well you only need 2 or 3 patterns; daddies, loch ordies and maybe a tricolor or 2.  Really, whether from boat or bank,  these wild lochs are all about simple fishing, you often don't need much more than floating and intermediate lines. It's more about covering ground and finding fish.   I've almost stocked up on all my favourites, but was looking through some books and  online for some local patterns or a bit of inspiration. The...