There's a lot written all over the internet about leaders and connections and some of it is good, some of it on the other hand is rubbish. Anyway I thought I'd add add my tuppen'worth. Today I changed over to my summer line on the carp set up. I use a WF 8 Rio Smallmouth Bass, in the summer here as it's just too hot for a cold water formula line. Since I was changing back, I replaced the connections. I start by attaching a length of 30lb fluorocarbon to make the butt section. I use a modified Albright Knot for this. Basically I tie an Albright, but leave the waste end of the fluorocarbon the same length as the end you would normally leave. If you don't know the Albright you can find out how to tie it here , just remember don't trim the waste like the standard knot. The next thing I do is furl the two ends together to make a single butt piece. To avoid putting a ton of twist in the fly line I tighten the drag on the reel and ...