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Showing posts with the label ally's shrimp

Ally's Cascade

  To support the channel and get access to the online tying sessions, as well as being entered into the giveaways head to and sign up

Tummel Shrimp

  To support the channel and get access to the online tying sessions, as well as being entered into the giveaways head to and sign up

Tying Ally's Shrimp with Martyn White

Step by step instructions for the deadly Ally's Shrimp.  This excellent salmon fly needs no introduction and deserves a spot in every salmon angler's box. Head to and become a patron to help me cover the costs of the channel, get access to members only content and giveaways. Alternatively by bookmarking the Amazon link below and using them for your Amazon shopping you can support the channel at no extra cost to you. Twitter/instagram @ flickinfeathers Materials list Hook: Single, double or treble of your choice Thread:  8/0 uni to match body colour Tag: Oval silver tinsel Tail: Bucktail Flash: Crystal flash Rib: Oval silver Body: Rear half  floss (orange/yellow/red/purple), front half black            floss Veiling: Grey squirrel tail Wing: Golden pheasant tippet Hackle: Chinese cock or hen

Steffen's Ally's Tube

Here's a nice tube fly variant of the Ally's shrimp that originated on the  Gaula in Norway. Try tying them in various sizes, or even on hooks to suit your fishing locations. Head to and become a patron to help me cover the costs of the channel, get access to members only content and giveaways. Alternatively by bookmarking the Amazon link below and using them for your Amazon shopping you can support the channel at no extra cost to you. Materials used Tube: plastic 3mm Thread: hot orange 8/0 Tail:Orange bucktail with copper sparkle hair Body: copper sparkle hair Collar: grey squirrel Wing : copper sparkle hair Hackle: orange cock