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Showing posts with the label surf candy

Tying a Rubber Candy with Martyn White (saltwater fly)

The rubber candy is another of Bob Popovic's excellent creations. Although it  seems less popular than the surf candy, it is a fantastic option that offers an alternative presentation thanks to its bouyancy. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: standard saltwater hook of your choice, size 2-2/0 Thread: Clear monofilament Tail: Bucktail Lateral Line: Flasabou or similar Back: Ostrich herl Body: Estaz or similar cactus style chenille Eyes: Flat tape eyes (don't use 3D/dome eyes) Coating: Clear household silicon

Surf Candy

Step by step instructions for Bob Popvic's classic saltwater fly.  The Surf Candy need no introduction among salt water anglers, it can be tied in a range of colours and sizes to suit the local bait in your area. They'll catch everything from bass to bluefin, tie some up and give them a try. Materials Used Hook: Standard salt water size 4 -1/0 Thread: fine monofilament Belly sack: silver tinsel Body: Ultra hair/super hair lateral line: crystal flash or other flash material Eyes: flat tape eyes