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Showing posts with the label bonefish

Bunny Bone

  Designed by Florida Keys guide Jeffrey Cardenas, this shrimpy little number is a great addidtion to the bonefish box. Even when lightly weighted, this fly finds bottom quite quickly because of its sparse design, with slightly bigger eyes it is great for deeper water or stronger currents. DIY Bonefishing Material list Hook: LS11-3H size 6-10 or your preferred bonefish hook Weight: bead chain or dumbbells Thread: Danvilles 3/0 Antenna: Crystal flash Body: Rabbit fur To support the channel, join the monthly online fly tying meetings and enter the giveaways, head to and sign up or donate at Book of the Month 9: A Perfect Fish This beautifully illustrated book is quite hard to come by but you'll probably be able to find a copy by following my amazon links. Amazon .com Amazon UK Using the link will help support my chan...

Sea Urchin

An unconventional bonefish fly here from Carl Richards. Although not many people fish imitations, sea urchin are a favourite prey species for all manner of flats species including bones, permit, triggerfish and tuskies among others. I've updated the dressing a little with UV resin making flies fairly straight forward ties and it's definitely worth having a few of them in your box. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying meetings and enter the giveaways, head over to and sign up or donate through Materials list Hook: Owner fly liner or Gammakatsu G-carp size 4 Thread: Black 140 Body: Black deer hair Weight: Non-lead splitshot Belly: Underside of fly coated in flexible UV resin and painted with nail polish  

The Clam Before The Storm

  This is another specific prey species imitation from Craig Mathews, inventor of Pop's bonefish bitters. Although it's designed to imitate snails and clams, I suspect it might often be eaten for a worm. Whatever they eat it for, it's best fished static near tailing fish or muds. To support the channel, join the monthly online tying meetings, access the members' only content and enter the giveaways head to and sign up or donate at Materials list Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3 H size 10-6 Thread: Tan Weight: Lead substitute fastened as a keel Body: Cream, tan or olive furry foam Siphon: Small ultra chenille, pink tan or light brown

Fleeing Crab

  The fleeing crab is a great choice on flats where you can encounter a range of species as it will work for permit, bonefish, triggers and more. I usually like this fly to be on the small and light side for a crab, but you can tie bigger and heavier versions to suit where you fish. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying meetings and enter the giveaways, head to and sign up or donate through Material list Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H or LS11-3H size 10-4 Weight: Bead chain or dumbbells Thread: 140 denier tan, orange or pink Legs: Centipede legs or similar Collar: Hen hackle Body: Sparkle yarn Weed guard 16-20lb hard nylon

Bonefish Puff

  The Bonefish Puff is a great little fly for tailing fish & shallow flats. It's full of movement and the bright head lets fish spot it even if you've had to lead them by quite a distance. Resist the urge to tie this large and heavily weighted, there are better flies for deeper flats. To support the channel, get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and sign up, or donate through Material list Hook: saltwater size 10-6 Thread: Uni 6/0 in tan, pink, olive or orange Weight: Bead chain Wing: Calf tail in white, tan, pink, olive or brown Flash: Pearl crystal flash Claws: Grizzle hackle tips Body: Ultra chenille in, blue, olive, pink, orange tan or brown DIY Bonefishing Book of the Month 9: A Perfect Fish This beautifully illustrated book is quite hard to come by but you'll probably be able to find a copy by following my...

Rubber Legged Gotcha

The Gotcha needs no introduction as a bonefih fly, this rubber legged variant just provides a bit more movement at rest which often helps tempt more finicky fish. Materials list Hook: Gamkatsu SL11-3H Size 8-4 Thread: Fl. pink Danville's 140 Weight: Beadchain or dumbbells to suit Tail: Pearl crystal flash Body: Pearl flatbraid Wing: Sand craft fur Legs: Barred silileg (small) Weedguard: hard mono To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up. DIY Bonefishing Book of the Month 9: A Perfect Fish This beautifully illustrated book is quite hard to come by but you'll probably be able to find a copy by following my amazon links. Amazon .com Amazon UK Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. Alternatively it can sometimes be found on ebay

Joe To Go

  The Joe-to-go works best as a skinny water fly for tailing fish, but can be weighted for deeper work. It land soft and does a good job of imitating mantis shrimp or other crustaceans. Traditionally tied as a hook-down pattern, I've adjusted it a little to fish hook-up for better snag resistance. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up. Material list Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H 2-8 Thread: Chartreuse Danville's Claws: Grizzle or cree hackle tips Feelers: Crystal flash Eyes: Burnt heavy nylon mono Body: Rootbeer estaz or similar Legs: Palmered grizzle or cree cock hackle Weedguard: 16-20lb hard nylon Book of the Month 9: A Perfect Fish This beautifully illustrated book is quite hard to come by but you'll probably be able to find a copy by following my amazon links. Amazon .com Amazon UK Using the link will help suppor...

Gotcha Clouser

  This nice Clouser variation appears in Dick Brown's book; Bonefish Fly Patterns. It's a simple tie but very effective tied in a range of sizes and weights to suit conditions, also it's a good each way bet for locations where other more predatory species might turn up on the flats instead of bonefish. Material list Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H size 8-2 Thread: Fl. pink Danville's Weight: Bead chain, brass or lead dumbbells Tail:White Craft Fur Body: Tying thread Flash: Crystal flash Wing: Sand/tan craft fur Weedguard: 16-20lb hard nylon Book of the Month 8: Strip-Set is available here Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up.

Bonefish Bitters

  Pop's Bonefish Bitters is an absolute classic bonefish fly imitating small crabs. It was developed by Craig Mathews for Belize, but works universally and also catches permit. It's fairly snag resistant because of the deer hair wing and I find it works best over rock, coral flats and broken ground. It's well worth tying up in colours to suit your fishing location for fish that are refusing the less imitative, attractor type flies like the gotcha. Materials list Hook: Your preferred saltwater hook size 10-4 Weight: bead chain Body: Epoxy coloured with nail polish or acrylic paint Legs: Silli legs or flexifloss Underwing: Zelon or antron yarn Wing: Deer hair Book of the Month 8: Strip-Set is available here Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to

bonefish intruder

Step by step instructions for an excellent skinny water, low light bonefish fly. head over to to support the channel and be eligible for future giveaways twitter/instagram @flickinfeathers Materials used Hook: 34007 or equivalent 8-4 Thread: Black Danville's flat waxed nylon Body: Green crystal flash Wing: green crystal flash, white fox or fishhair, pearl flashabou

Christmas Island flash charlie

Borski's No Name Shrimp

Tying Al's Glass Minnow

Tying the Bully Special

Tying the Missing Link

Borski's Bristle Worm

Dick Brown's Magic Mantis

Step by step instructions for Dick Brown's Magic Mantis.  This chunky fly gives a good imitation of the mantis shrimp and works for a range of species, not just bonefish. Follow me on twitter or instagram @flickinfeathers for more fishing content or head to to support the channel. Materials Used Hook: Tiemco 777SP (original calls for Mustad 340011) Weight: lead dumbbell Thread: tan 6/0 Tail: Tan deer hair and brown marabou Body: tan and brown cactus chenille Base for eyes: Chenille Eyes:  Stalks from a hair brush Mandibles/antenna: copper crystal flash

Greg's Flats Fly

Step by step instructions for a killer little bonefish fly.  Greg's Flats Fly is a bit more complex than standard patterns like gotchas and charlies, but will often work on fussy or pressured fish when the standards fail to produce. Materials used Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H size 8-4 Thread: Tan 6/0 Tail: calf tail with some krystal flash over Body: mirage tinsel banded with thread Hackle: cock saddle hackle Rib: Vinyl rib weight: bead chain weed guard: hard mono

Mexico is Great

Right Guys just got back from 18 days at Costa de Cocos ( in Xcalak where I had a mix of guided and DIY fishing and it was amazing, so amazing that I'll be back in August.  The lodge was nice, fairly basic cabanas but spotlessly clean, very friendly staff with great food and local craft beer. There are also some great little restaurants in the village. The guides were good, I took a mix of in house guides and other local guys-on balance the CdC guides were better and generally more personable. The fishing was great, although I can't really comment on the tarpon because I got so sucked into chasing permit that I didn't spend any time chasing them. My relationship with permit was almost exclusively one of rejection, I only got one eat despite seeing numerous permit- I didn't land the fish either.  I stopped fishing bones with the guides after the first day because they were just so numerous and easy from no pressure that it was ge...

Getting closer

My first trip to Mexico is  coming soon, almost ready on the gear front, just need to pick up some new leader material and make sure my shots are up to date.  The fly tying is almost done too, still a few more crabs and stuff to tie for the permit, but bones and tarpon are taken care of.  Might stick a few sundries in for jacks and cudas . Getting excited.