The Joe-to-go works best as a skinny water fly for tailing fish, but can be weighted for deeper work. It land soft and does a good job of imitating mantis shrimp or other crustaceans. Traditionally tied as a hook-down pattern, I've adjusted it a little to fish hook-up for better snag resistance. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up. Material list Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H 2-8 Thread: Chartreuse Danville's Claws: Grizzle or cree hackle tips Feelers: Crystal flash Eyes: Burnt heavy nylon mono Body: Rootbeer estaz or similar Legs: Palmered grizzle or cree cock hackle Weedguard: 16-20lb hard nylon
Book of the Month 9: A Perfect Fish
This beautifully illustrated book is quite hard to come by but you'll probably be able to find a copy by following my amazon links.
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Alternatively it can sometimes be found on ebay
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