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Showing posts with the label fly fsihing

Steffen's Ally's Tube

Here's a nice tube fly variant of the Ally's shrimp that originated on the  Gaula in Norway. Try tying them in various sizes, or even on hooks to suit your fishing locations. Head to and become a patron to help me cover the costs of the channel, get access to members only content and giveaways. Alternatively by bookmarking the Amazon link below and using them for your Amazon shopping you can support the channel at no extra cost to you. Materials used Tube: plastic 3mm Thread: hot orange 8/0 Tail:Orange bucktail with copper sparkle hair Body: copper sparkle hair Collar: grey squirrel Wing : copper sparkle hair Hackle: orange cock

Book suggestion

In each episode of the vlog I've been recommending books. To make things easier I've also decided to share the book recommendation as an individual post on here. In this episode it's Ed Mitchell's excellent Fly-fishing the Saltwater Shoreline. to buy the book from click  here for click  here (By using these links you'll help support Flicking Feathers at no cost to you) Although it focuses on the US's eastern seaboard it is a great read full of useful information for saltwater fly anglers anywhere in the world. I would say this is essential reading for anyone starting to venture out in the salt with their fly rod, and is certainly a good refresher for more experienced anglers too.