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Showing posts with the label chernobyl ant

South Fork Chernobyl Ant

Step By step Instructions for a nice variation of the Chernobyl ant. With the hackle and dubbed body the South Fork Chernobyl is that bit buggier than the original and can be incredibly effective on its day. To support the channel and get access to members only content head to and sign up twitter/instagram @flickinfeathers Materials used Hook: TMC 5263 Thread: Danville's Flat waxed nylon Under-body: Flashy dubbing (ice dub etc) Body: 2mm foam Hackle: Dry fly saddle Legs: barred silli legs Sighter: 2mm foam

Terrestrial giveaway

It's summer and the big bugs are here!  To celebrate the hordes of cicadas, hoppers, ants and beetles that will  be falling into a stream near you I'm tying a box of 24 terrestrials including that could be yours.  Like hoppers?  Want weird ants? Crave cicadas? If you want to be eligible to win these and more, boxed and shipped anywhere in the world, then head to and become a patron for as little as $1 a month to be entered into this and future draws.   As soon as I hit 30 patrons, I'll randomly choose a patron and send them the box.