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Showing posts with the label north country spider

E. M. Tod's Tummel Style No.1

  You don't see many people tying and fishing Tummel style wets nowadays, but you should! This pattern from the 1800s is still an absolute wonder for trout and grayling. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up or donate at Materials list Hook: Wet fly size 14-16 Thread: Yellow silk Body: Thread & peacock herl Hackle: Starling neck hackle E.M Tod's book Wet-Fly Fishing Treated Methodically is a good read and is available from; amazon amazon UK Using the links will help support my channel

Dark Needle

  The dark needle is a great pattern from Edmonds & Lee's "Brook and River Trouting" and has been catching fish since the 1800s. It's ideal toward the end of the season and is very effective when there are small stoneflies on the water. Material list Hook: Kamasan B170 size 16 Thread: Uni 8/0 rusty brown Head: Magpie tail herl Hackle: Small feather from the back of a starling where the wing joins the body. Brook and River Trouting is available through my amazon link here. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

Stewart's Dun Spider

  This pattern, published in W.C. Stewart's 1857 book "The Practical Angler" remains a fantastic taker of both trout and grayling for much of the season. Material list Hook: Kamasan B170 size 14-16 Thread: Yellow silk (waxed) Hackle: Small dun feather from the inside of a starling's wing* To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through The Practical Angler is a good read and you can get it through my amazon link below. * Stewart originally used a dun feather from a landrail's wing but suggests starling as a sub. In My opinion any dunny soft hackle from a game bird wing or even a hen hackle will do fine.

March Brown Spider

  This simple wet fly is a killer during a March brown, false March brown or brook dun hatch. Unless the fish are really keyed on duns, this fly will often be more effective than a dry imitation. To support my channel, join the online tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Material list Hook: Kamazan B170 size 12-14 Thread: Fire orange Uni 8/0 Tail: Woodcock under covert or similar barred feather Body: Hare's mask dubbing Rib: Fine gold wire Hackle: Feather from the shoulder of a woodcock's wing (well marked)

Green Tag / Davy Wotton Caddis

  The Green Tag is a fantastic wet fly in both rivers and still waters when tied in different sizes and to represent the various species of caddis that emerge during the season. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Material list Hook: Kamasan B170 or similar size 10-18 Thread: Uni 8/0, tan or rusty dun Tag: Glo brit no.11 or 12 Rib: Small oval gold Body: Dubbing from a hare's mask Hackle: Brown partridge, grouse or speckled hen

Tying a Rough Olive Spider with Martyn White (wet fly)

Step by step instructions for a very effective wet spider ideal for rivers and lakes. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook:All purpose medium weight 14-16 Thread: Olive 8/0 Tail: Olive hackle fibers Body: Olive Dubbing Rib: Gold Wire Hackle: Badger dyed olive/ Brahma hen dyed olive

Stewart's Black Spider

Step by step instructions for a deadly classic wet fly that works all season long. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: All purpose medium weight size 14 Thread: Brown Hackle: Feather from a starling's back twisted around thread