Designed by Florida Keys guide Jeffrey Cardenas, this shrimpy little number is a great addidtion to the bonefish box. Even when lightly weighted, this fly finds bottom quite quickly because of its sparse design, with slightly bigger eyes it is great for deeper water or stronger currents. DIY Bonefishing Material list Hook: LS11-3H size 6-10 or your preferred bonefish hook Weight: bead chain or dumbbells Thread: Danvilles 3/0 Antenna: Crystal flash Body: Rabbit fur To support the channel, join the monthly online fly tying meetings and enter the giveaways, head to and sign up or donate at Book of the Month 9: A Perfect Fish This beautifully illustrated book is quite hard to come by but you'll probably be able to find a copy by following my amazon links. Amazon .com Amazon UK Using the link will help support my chan...
A Japan based, fly fishing blog covering a range of species from fresh water to salt.