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Showing posts with the label wooly bugger

Tying an Ice Dub Wooly Bugger

Step by step instructions for a variation on the classic willy bugger. This is a fairly straightforward fly that works for all manner of species and is well worth putting in your box. Head to and become a patron to help me cover the costs of the channel, get access to members only content and giveaways. Alternatively by bookmarking the Amazon link below and using them for your Amazon shopping you can support the channel at no extra cost to you. Twitter/instagram @ flickinfeathers Materials list Hook: long shank streamer hook Thread :6/0 Bead: 4-5mm brass Weight: .020 lead wire Tail: marabou and flashabou Rib: copper wire Body: Ice dub Hackle: webby saddle hackle

wooly bugger

Step by step instructions for a basic Wooly Bugger.  This classic streamer is a great pattern for beginner tyers and can be used as a jumping off point for other streamers and variations. Materials Used Hook: Long shank streamer Thread: 6/0 Tail: Marabou Flash: Crystal flash or similar Rib: Wire Body: wooly bugger chenille Hackle: Cock Saddle hackle

It comes from a land down under!

Guerilla Bug Detailed instructions for a tasty little surface pattern from Australia.  The Guerilla bug is  a pretty snag proof little surface fly that works well for bass, panfish,  mangrove jacks and bream among others.  Tie some up and give them a try  in your local woodpile. Materials Used Hook: Gamakatsu B10S Thread: Flat waxed nylon Tail: Marabou Flash: Sparkle Hair Body: Spectraflash dubbing Rib: 12-15lb Nylon Head: Foam Spider body Legs: Sili legs

Monster Bugger

Step by step instructions for a simple but effective articulated streamer.  The double bugger, or monster bugger as some call it, is essentially the basis of many modern articulated streamers and a good starting point for anyone looking to build a collection of patterns. The materials listed below are a suggestion and can be changed/subbed to suit your needs. Materials used: Hook :Varivas 2500V SE size 4+2 Thread: 140 denier Daniville's  Tail: Marabou Flash: Sybai tinsel hair (flashabou) Body: Ice Dub Rib: Copper wire Hackle: Schlappen Articulation: 26lb beading wire and some glass beads Weight: lead eyes Head: Sybai Nymph dubbing Rubber legs