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Showing posts with the label fly porn

Long Range Killer

Step by step instructions  for an excellent hair wing salmon fly with a Russian twist.  The Shumakov long range tube is a nice alternative to bottle tubes or Scandinavian style with heavy cones while still providing a nice compact weighted  fly. Materials Used Shumakov Long range tube Plastic lining tube Thread: Veevus 10/0 black Flash: angel hair 1 hot orange, 2 gold, 3 peacock 1st hackle: grizzly cock dyed orange 2nd hackle: Blue guinea fowl Wing : Yellow and black polar fox Cheeks: Jungle cock

Nich Fish

Detailed tying instructions for a simple but effective baitfish fly  that works well in both fresh and salt water try them for fry feeding trout in lakes or seabass from the beach and many more. Materials used Hook: Gamakatsu S10 S4H Thread: Fly master plus Body: SF blend or some other fibre you like Head: foam dowel Eyes: 3D eyes of your choice

It comes from a land down under!

Guerilla Bug Detailed instructions for a tasty little surface pattern from Australia.  The Guerilla bug is  a pretty snag proof little surface fly that works well for bass, panfish,  mangrove jacks and bream among others.  Tie some up and give them a try  in your local woodpile. Materials Used Hook: Gamakatsu B10S Thread: Flat waxed nylon Tail: Marabou Flash: Sparkle Hair Body: Spectraflash dubbing Rib: 12-15lb Nylon Head: Foam Spider body Legs: Sili legs

Double deciever

Step by step instructions for a variation on the double deceiver.  A modern classic, this fly will catch any predatory fish, just adjust the size to suit. Materials Used Hooks: Gamakatsu B10s (rear) Varivas 2500V SE (front) Thread: 6/0 flymaster Tail: schlappen or saddle hackles Flash: Sybai Sparkle Hair Body: Polar Chenille Belly: Bucktail Back: Bucktail Articulation: 26lb beading wire and glass beads. 3D eyes UV resin