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Showing posts with the label tube fly

Lee Trembler

 Head to  to support the channel, get access to the monthly zoom tying sessions and be entered into the giveaways

Steffen's Ally's Tube

Here's a nice tube fly variant of the Ally's shrimp that originated on the  Gaula in Norway. Try tying them in various sizes, or even on hooks to suit your fishing locations. Head to and become a patron to help me cover the costs of the channel, get access to members only content and giveaways. Alternatively by bookmarking the Amazon link below and using them for your Amazon shopping you can support the channel at no extra cost to you. Materials used Tube: plastic 3mm Thread: hot orange 8/0 Tail:Orange bucktail with copper sparkle hair Body: copper sparkle hair Collar: grey squirrel Wing : copper sparkle hair Hackle: orange cock

Tying a Temple Dog with Martyn White

Step by step instructions For Hakan Norling's original temple dog. These flies have become a staple of salmon fishing and can be tied in a range of sizes, weights and colours to suit various river conditions. Head to and become a patron to help me cover the costs of the channel, get access to members only content and giveaways. Alternatively by bookmarking the Amazon link below and using them for your Amazon shopping you can support the channel at no extra cost to you. Materials used Tube: Frodin F.I.T.S tubes (M/XS) Thread:10/0 black Tag: Oval gold tinsel Butt: Hot orange fluoro fiber Tail: Hot orange fluoro fiber Rib: oval gold Rear body: Flat gold tinsel Front body: Black/peacock icedub Body hackle: Silver badger dyed hot orange Under wing: Sunburst flashabou Wing 1: Brown arctic fox/ angel hair Middle hackle: black hen Wing 2: as w...

Tying a Sunray Shadow

Step by step instructions for the Brook's Sunray Shadow. This incredibly simple salmon tube is absolutely deadly and should be in every salmon angler's box. Head to and sign up to support the channel , get access to members only content and giveaways. Alternatively by bookmarking the Amazon link below and using them for your Amazon shopping you can support the channel at no extra cost to you. Materials used Tube: 1/8 inch OD plastic tube Thread: 8/0 Under wing: white bucktail Over wing: black goat or dog Topping: peacock herl

Squishy Fish

Instructions for tying a variation on Peter Hylander's excellent Squishy Fish. This is an excellent fly for imitating all kinds of baitfish and is effective for pretty much any predatory game fish. head over to Patreon to support the channel or follow me on twitter/instagram @flickinfeathers for more content. Materials used: Tube: 2 inches of hard plastic 1/8" outer diameter, 3/4 inches of            1/8" inner diameter soft tube and 1/4 " outer diameter soft             polythene tubing cut to length. Weight: 7/16" conehead epoxied to tube blank Body: Flexo expandable mylar sleeving 1/2" coated with            plastidip Thread: GSP or clear mono Eyes: Flat tape eyes to suit Permanent marker pens

Long Range Killer

Step by step instructions  for an excellent hair wing salmon fly with a Russian twist.  The Shumakov long range tube is a nice alternative to bottle tubes or Scandinavian style with heavy cones while still providing a nice compact weighted  fly. Materials Used Shumakov Long range tube Plastic lining tube Thread: Veevus 10/0 black Flash: angel hair 1 hot orange, 2 gold, 3 peacock 1st hackle: grizzly cock dyed orange 2nd hackle: Blue guinea fowl Wing : Yellow and black polar fox Cheeks: Jungle cock

Tying A Cam Sigler Big Game Tube

Step by step instructions for the classic bill fish fly Cam Sigler's Big Game Tube.  It's been a mainstay of the billfish fly fishing scene for years and contineus to work for  marlin, sailfish and other pelagic species too.  It's not the most difficult tie, but will make you burn through a lot of materials. Materials used Large diameter plastic tube Thread: 3/0 (I use semperfli nanosilk) Tail:Saddle hackles 12-18 in contrasting colours Flash:Saltwater flashabou Colar: Several plumes of marabou Eyes:large eyes of your choice UV resin Popper: Cam Sigler Popping head