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Showing posts with the label bonefish fly

Joe To Go

  The Joe-to-go works best as a skinny water fly for tailing fish, but can be weighted for deeper work. It land soft and does a good job of imitating mantis shrimp or other crustaceans. Traditionally tied as a hook-down pattern, I've adjusted it a little to fish hook-up for better snag resistance. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up. Material list Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H 2-8 Thread: Chartreuse Danville's Claws: Grizzle or cree hackle tips Feelers: Crystal flash Eyes: Burnt heavy nylon mono Body: Rootbeer estaz or similar Legs: Palmered grizzle or cree cock hackle Weedguard: 16-20lb hard nylon Book of the Month 9: A Perfect Fish This beautifully illustrated book is quite hard to come by but you'll probably be able to find a copy by following my amazon links. Amazon .com Amazon UK Using the link will help suppor...

Gotcha Clouser

  This nice Clouser variation appears in Dick Brown's book; Bonefish Fly Patterns. It's a simple tie but very effective tied in a range of sizes and weights to suit conditions, also it's a good each way bet for locations where other more predatory species might turn up on the flats instead of bonefish. Material list Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H size 8-2 Thread: Fl. pink Danville's Weight: Bead chain, brass or lead dumbbells Tail:White Craft Fur Body: Tying thread Flash: Crystal flash Wing: Sand/tan craft fur Weedguard: 16-20lb hard nylon Book of the Month 8: Strip-Set is available here Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up.

Bonefish Bitters

  Pop's Bonefish Bitters is an absolute classic bonefish fly imitating small crabs. It was developed by Craig Mathews for Belize, but works universally and also catches permit. It's fairly snag resistant because of the deer hair wing and I find it works best over rock, coral flats and broken ground. It's well worth tying up in colours to suit your fishing location for fish that are refusing the less imitative, attractor type flies like the gotcha. Materials list Hook: Your preferred saltwater hook size 10-4 Weight: bead chain Body: Epoxy coloured with nail polish or acrylic paint Legs: Silli legs or flexifloss Underwing: Zelon or antron yarn Wing: Deer hair Book of the Month 8: Strip-Set is available here Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to

Oh Ya Bastart!

Step by step instructions for a simple but effective merkin variation. the leg orientation really makes this pattern for me, it's well worth a places in your box. Head to to be eligible for the giveaways and get access to the members only content. Materials used. Hook: Gammakatsu SL11-3H Weight: dumbbells or bead chain Thread: flat waxed nylon Tail: marabou Body: EP fiber Legs :silli legs


Step by step instructions for a killer little bonefish shrimp. sign up to enter the giveaways and get access to members only content Materials. Hook: SL11-3H or equivalent size 8-4 Thread: Tan, Gotcha pink or Orange Flat Waxed Nylon Weight: bead chain or dumbbells Mouth parts : marabou Hot spot: crystal chenille collar:Ginger or tan hackle Legs: sillli legs body: dubbed craft fur

Moore's Agent Orange

Step by step instructions for Moore's Agent Orange bonefish fly.  Although it may seem a bit simple by modern standards it is reputedly a killer in the Yucatan and Belize. To enter the giveaways and get access to members only content head to and support the channel. Materials Hook: SL11-3H size 4-8 or equivalent Thread: FL orange flat waxed nylon Body:  Orange chenille Wing: Orange craft fur flanked with 2 grizzly hackle tips

Tying an Absolute Flea

Instructions for a great bonefish fly that works for all kinds on flats species.  to Enter the giveaways and get access to the members only content head to and sign up. Materials list Hook: saltwater hook of your choice 2-8 Thread: flat waxed nylon Weight: bead chain or dumbbells to suit depth Butt: chenile Tail: 4 hackle tips tied splayed Collar: cock hackle Body: shaggy dubbing or leech yarn Weed guard: hard nylon

JC's sand prawn (variant)

Step by step instructions for my adaptation of James Christmas's sand prawn. This semi realistic shrimp imitation works for a wide range of species and is a must in the Indian Ocean and south pacific. To support the channel and be eligible for future giveaways head to to become a patron twitter/instagram @flickinfeathers Materials used Hook Gamakatsu SL11-3H 2-4 Thread : Tan 6/0 Mouth parts/feelers: Craft fur o Polar fiber (polar fiber is preferred) Flash: crystal flash Eyes: Burnt mono painter black and dipped in fluo orange epoxy Keel: 3mm tungsten beads on 20lb mono Body: dubbed craft fur/polar fiber Legs: barred round rubber Weed guard:20/30lb hard nylon

Tying a Horror (bonefish fly)

Step by step instructions for a simple but effective bonefish fly, the Horror is a great pattern for skinny water with turtle grass as it lands softy and is very weedless. To support my channel and be eligible for future giveaways head to to become a patron Twitter/ Instagram @flickinfeathers Materials Used Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H size 6-8 Thread: Red Danville's Body: Yellow chenille Wing: Natural Brown bucktail and crystal flash

Tying a St. Francis Special

Wabnit's worm

The 90 Percenter

Christmas Island flash charlie

Ring Burner Bonefish Fly

Moana's Chilli Pepper (bonefish fly)

Tying the Paris flat Special

Tying a Ghost (bonefish fly)

Tying Keith's Crab

Tying the Bully Special

Tying the Alphlexo Crab

Here's a how to video for the Alphlexo crab