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Showing posts with the label permit flies

The Raghead Crab (2ways)

  This is a Crab that is on most Yucatan and Belizean lodges fly lists, and for good reason it has accounted for hundreds of permit and bonefish. It can be tied in any colour and in a range of sizes to suit every flats location or target species. Material list Hook: Gamakatsu SL11-3H size 6-1/0 Thread: Danville's Flymaster Weight: Lead, brass or tungsten dumbbells Claws: Marabou flanked by hackle tips Antenna: Crystal flash Legs: Medium round rubber Body: Wool or Mcfly foam glued together. To support the channel, get access to the monthly online tying meetings and enter the giveaways, head to or and sign up.

Dick Brown's Magic Mantis

Step by step instructions for Dick Brown's Magic Mantis.  This chunky fly gives a good imitation of the mantis shrimp and works for a range of species, not just bonefish. Follow me on twitter or instagram @flickinfeathers for more fishing content or head to to support the channel. Materials Used Hook: Tiemco 777SP (original calls for Mustad 340011) Weight: lead dumbbell Thread: tan 6/0 Tail: Tan deer hair and brown marabou Body: tan and brown cactus chenille Base for eyes: Chenille Eyes:  Stalks from a hair brush Mandibles/antenna: copper crystal flash

Coyote Shrimp

Step by step instructions for a nice little shrimp fly.  This is a derivative of a couple of patterns, but largely inspired by Darren from  Follow me on twitter or instagram @flickinfeathers for more content or head to to support the channel. Materials used Hook:  Owner fly liner 4-2 (your prefferred bonefish hook would also be fine Thread: veevus FL Orange 10/0 Weight: dumbbell eyes Tail: coyote fur Egg Sack: Glo bug/egg yarn Eye: EP crustacean eyes or home made equivalent Legs: Tan tipped clear/gold flake silli legs and natural cram centipede legs Body: Sybai nymph dubbing Wing: Coyote fur Weed guard :20lb mason

The Ultimate Shrimp

Step by step instructions for a variation of the Ultimate Shrimp.  A truly deadly flats pattern for a wide range of species including bonefish, permit and trigger fish.  Tie some and try them for your next flats trip. Materials used Hook: Gamakatsu SL12 or similar Legs: silli legs Mouthparts:  marabou Eyes: EP crab eyes or similar Weight: dumbell eyes Body: UV resin (optional Loon sparkle powder)

Permit tips

Reading up and getting ready to fly to Cancun in two weeks. I came across this article in Hatch Mag Thoroughly good reading.

Getting closer

My first trip to Mexico is  coming soon, almost ready on the gear front, just need to pick up some new leader material and make sure my shots are up to date.  The fly tying is almost done too, still a few more crabs and stuff to tie for the permit, but bones and tarpon are taken care of.  Might stick a few sundries in for jacks and cudas . Getting excited.  

The research continues

Still tying for mexico, and filming the patterns as I go, but also reading like crazy about permit. Here's one of my favourites so far. And here are some of the most recent flies I've been tying KUNG FU CRAB Tarpon Bug

Going to the Yucatan

Heading off to Mexico this coming winter, so I've been hitting the vice. First on the list is the McCrab deer hair crab McCrab

More bonefishy goodness

Continuing with my fly tying videos recently, I've been doing a bunch of bonefish flies to build my  YouTube Channel (click here to sub)    so I thought I'd add them here  in one go than add separate posts as I go along later. Martyn's mantis                                            Borski craft fur worm The slamaroo