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Showing posts with the label emerger

Claret & Hare's Ear Emerger

This pattern has been around for ages, and in my opinion is a perfect stillwater emerger. It's simple, buggy and floats low and flush to the surface film offering an excellent impression of a midge breaking through the meniscus. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B170 size 10-16 Thread: Uni 8/0, Black Shuck: Pearl crystal flash Abdomen: Claret seal fur Rib: Pearl crystal flash Thorax: Hare's fur well picked out   To support the channel, access the monthly tying meetings and enter the giveaways head to and sign up or support through

Yellow Owl Shuttlecock

The Yellow Owl is a great pattern for imitating cream midges & this shuttlecock version is perfect for targeting fish feeding on the emerging buzzers. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B170 size 8 to 16. Smaller flies will need a different model Thread: Light cahill Uni 8/0 Rib: XS black wire Wing: Natural CDC Thorax: Hare's ear dubbing with a small amount of clear antron dubbing blended in Book of the Month 8: Strip-Set is available here Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up.

Duck Fly Emerger

  In his book "Flies of Ireland", Peter O'Reilly attributes this fly to Cyril Conlon. It's a fantastic choice for the duckfly hatch but don't think you can't use it further afield it's great for dark buzzers more generally. I find fishing 2 of them on the droppers with a hedgehog or mini-muddler on the point to keep the team high in the water column to be deadly when the fish are looking up. Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK Bookmarking or using my link will help support my channel. To support the channel, get access to the zoom tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to or Materials list Hook: Kamasan B160 size 10-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Tag: Flat silver tinsel* Rib: Silver wire Wings: White hackle tip Thorax: Red or Orange seal fur Hackle: Sparse black hen *Fly can be tied wi...

Renee Harrop's Transition Midge

  Rene Harrop's CDC transition midge is a great little emergent midge pattern. It's slim and sits low on the surface, ideal for situations where you need and emerger or something more subtle than a Griffith's Gnat. Book of the month 6 is available here Amazon UK Material list Hook: TMC 100 size 20-24 Shuck: grizzle hackle tip Body: Superfine dubbing Back/emergent wings: CDC puff Variant Hook: TMC 100 size 20-24 Shuck: grizzle hackle tip Abdomen: Superfine dubbing Thorax: Spectra flash or UV ice dubbing Back/emergent wings: CDC puff To support the channel and be eligible for giveaways head to ​ and become a patron or support through

Shipman's Buzzer

The Shipman's buzzer is an effective and versatile fly that can be fished dry, emerging or subsurface to great effect. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B170 10-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 Breathers: White antron or similar Rib: Pearl tinsel Body: Seal fur or similar dubbing   To support my channel , get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

JH Emerger

John Horsey's emerger is an excellent pattern for targeting midge feeders on reservoirs and lakes. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B100 size 10-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 Shuck: White marabou Rib: Fine wire Abdomen: Pearl tinsel or clear wrap Wing: Poly yarn or aero dry wing Thorax: Seal fur To support my channel , get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

Damp Hare's Ear

  Here's a simple but very effective and versatile hare's ear pattern that can be fished in the surface film, as a nymph or as a wet fly in rivers and stillwaters. Materials List Hook: All purpose medium weight or Kamasan B170 10-16 Thread: Tan Uni 8/0 Body: Hare's ear dubbing Rib Fine flat gold tinsel Hackle: Red game or furnace Indian hen neck  To support my channel,get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or support through

Olive Scruffy Buzzer

 To support my channel,get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or support through

Blushing Buzzer

Stan Headley's Blushing Buzzer is a fantastic chironomid imitation for loch style fishing. It can be used like a wet fly or nymph and is deadly in a black buzzer hatch. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B420 or similar size 10-14 Thread: Black 8/0 Body: Tying thread, well varnished Thorax: Peacock herl Cheeks: Globrite no.8 floss Hackle: Black hen (sparse)

phantom fly pupa

The pupa of the phantom fly is similar to a buzzer and this imitation is very effective fished near the surface in hatches of both insects. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: All purpose medium weight or similar size 14-18 Thread: Black 8/0 Abdomen: Clear polythene over silver tinsel Thorax: Peacock herl Hackle: Cream/White hen (very sparse)

Tying the WD40 with Martyn White (nymph)

The WD40 is a fantastic small baetis pattern. It's a quick, relatively easy tie even though it's best tied in size 16 and smaller. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through p Materials list Hook: TMC 2487 or similar size 16-28 Thread: Uni 8/0 (olive, tan,brown, burgundy and rusty dun are good options) Tail/wing case: Wood duck flank, or mallard dyed wood duck Abdomen: Thread Thorax: Superfine dubbing or similar Hook:

Tying a Super Pupa with Martyn White (dry fly)

The Super Pupa is a fantastic emerging caddis imitation from Sweden.  It works well in both rivers and still waters. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Dry fly hook 12-18 Thread: 8/0 to match body colour Body: Superfine dubbing or similar Hackle: High quality cock hackle

Crippled Midge

Instructions for a bibio version of Stan Headley's deadly  crippled midge pattern.  To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: All purpose medium size 10-16 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Breathers: White antron or poly yarn Abdomen: 3/4 black seal fur, 1/4 bright red seal fur Rib: UV buzzer wrap or pearl tinsel Hackle: Grizzle Cock Thorax: black seal fur

Flecka Bug

Step by step instructions for a simple, but incredibly effective dry fly.  I originally tied this to match a fall of migrating spiders, but it works well in midge or gnat hatches too.  Materials used Hook: TMC 2487 or equivalent Tail: pearl mini flat braid or polar flash Body: Fine black dubbing(anything that isn't spiky) Head: black ethafoam