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Small Stream Carp On Fly

 Some more carp on fly action from a small stream in East Japan. The average size of the fish in this small stream isn't very big, but it does occasionally turn up fish into low to mid double figures. What it does have going for it is the sheer number of fish, there are loads and I expect plenty of shots even during short sessions. On this trip, it was unusually hot for the time of year which caused the carp to be highly active. There were a lot of fish feeding on things dropping from the bankside vegetation, and were responding to the fly plopping into the water, so a slightly heavy presentation tight to the far bank seemed to be the go for much of the day. Later I switched to the dumbbell eyed worm and picked up another fish on the way home.

You can find fly tying videos for all the flies I used today can be found on my channel. Clouser crayfish Carp worm Backstabber To support the channel, get access to the monthly fly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up or donate at Book of the Month 7; The practical angler is available here: Amazon UK using my link will help support my channel.


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