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Sharks on Fly has been something I've been thinking a lot about over the last year or so.  Definitely something I am keen to try.  Here's a cool video I found on you tube going over some of the basics.

The research continues

Still tying for mexico, and filming the patterns as I go, but also reading like crazy about permit. Here's one of my favourites so far. And here are some of the most recent flies I've been tying KUNG FU CRAB Tarpon Bug

Going to the Yucatan

Heading off to Mexico this coming winter, so I've been hitting the vice. First on the list is the McCrab deer hair crab McCrab

More bonefishy goodness

Continuing with my fly tying videos recently, I've been doing a bunch of bonefish flies to build my  YouTube Channel (click here to sub)    so I thought I'd add them here  in one go than add separate posts as I go along later. Martyn's mantis                                            Borski craft fur worm The slamaroo

The Fat Boy Tuna fly

Here's how I tie this killer pattern for fish eating species..Tuna and dollies love em..see!

Another bonefish fly

I've been quite busy at the vice recently, doing flies for myself and a couple of small custom orders.  While I've been tying I've been filming too Today I did 3 videos and here's the first, the classic bonefish fly; the bonefish bitters.  Enjoy

The Other, Bonefish Fly

Being off work for a few days I've been able to get on with some more tying videos.  Here's one of a bonefish fly I designed for skinny water finicky fish.  Like this one. You can see the fly hanging from its jaw. Here's the video, enjoy.  I hope it catches you  a few fish.