Another old one I wrote for I'm going on a bit of a ramble this week. But it's all connected, in my mind at least, to the idea of progress. I should probably start by saying that I'm no traditionalist whether in my fishing or my fly tying-anyone who watches my videos will know that. The thing is I'm always being asked why I still use varnish instead of UV resin, or don't move to the new super thin gsp threads that will make my tying easier. Actually I really like UV resins- I've tried most of the brands on the market, and use them a lot for certain things. Any time I want to replace epoxy as a head or body material, for example, light cured resins are the obvious choice. They are cleaner, consistent while working, set up instantly and don't yellow. But there are also things that they don't do better than the materials we had before. They're not glue and it doesn't matter how many people call them glue. If you need an adhesive a...
A Japan based, fly fishing blog covering a range of species from fresh water to salt.