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Cicada Carp

On Monday I braved the heat to hit a river outside Tokyo for a few hours.  Conditions were pretty good early on, although it was incredibly hot there was nice, high, even cloud cover giving fairly decent light for spotting fish.  As I approached the river, the banks were alive with grasshoppers chirping in the long grass and cicadas screeching in the trees.  Things were looking good.

I set up and watched a couple of unlucky terrestrials land on the water's surface, only to be quickly sucked down by waiting carp as they struggled in the surface film. Working my way a long the river I saw so may tailing carp that I almost took of my foam hopper but, stuck with  it until a few refusals demanded a fly change.  I stayed on the surface, switching to a size 6 Carl's cicada.  It proved to be a good choice.

Carl's Cicada

The switch was immediately rewarded with a nice common carp around 12lb that sucked the dry  down in slack water below a tree, almost in slow motion.  Over the rest of the morning I picked up another few carp to around 15lb on the same dry.  Unfortunately the smallmouth I encountered seemed mostly unwilling to commit, only one taking the fly with the rest just tracking the fly as it drifted. Still a good morning out before the temperatures climbed to over 40 celsius and I had to retreat to the comfort of the aircon.

 A handful of these makes a good day out


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