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Showing posts from June, 2021

Orkney Peach Muddler

  Fished on top dropper or on the point this fly a great option for drawing fish to your team and is a fantastic taker of fish both wild and stocked. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B170 size 8-12 Thread: Fire orange or white Uni 8/0 Tail: Globrite no.7 & 8 brushed together (Orkney peach blend) Rib: Gold wire Body: Orkney peach flash dubbing (equal parts chopped globrite 7 & 8, Fl shell pink ice dub & UV shrimp pink ice dub) Body hackle: Peach or sunburst chinese cock Head: Spun white deer hair


Another old one from Over the summer I heard a podcast about using a dropper fly while sight fishing carp. My initial thought was that I didn't like the idea. But I tried it as I don't like just dismissing things if I haven't tried them. After deciding to try droppers, I fished them a lot over the last few months. I was out several times a week, on the river as with the teleworking and adjusted schedule I was able to get a few hours in before work when the weather allowed. So I feel I've given them a good testing, I'm still not sure it's a great idea most of the time.  I did catch fish on the dropper fly, but I also spooked enough that I considered going back to the single fly exclusively. Maybe I would have spooked some of those fish without the dropper but I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have spooked all of them-the question is the balance of fish gained vs opportunities squandered. The rationale for the dropper seems primarily to be pu...

Near Perfect Buzzer

  Another of Stan Headley's flies, the near perfect buzzer is an excellent chironomid imitation for loch style fishing. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B420 size 12-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Abdomen: Stripped peacock eye quill, heavily varnished Cheeks: Go brite floss no 7 or 8 Thorax: Peacock herl Hackle: Sparse dun hen

Soldier Palmer

  The Soldier Palmer is a well known traditional wet fly, but not one I'm particularly fond of. However, I have found this fluorescent version with a brushed dubbing body to be more effective and worth having in the box. To support my channel, get access to the online live tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Fire orange Uni 8/0 Tail: Glo brite no 4 Rib: Oval gold tinsel Body: Fl. red seal fur Body hackle: Red game cock Head hackle: Red game hen

Lethal Weapon

  Rab Adam tied this fly for Ayrshire's reservoirs, specifically the Camphill dam, but it certainly works well further afield. To support my channel, get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Body: 60%Hare's ear 40% yellow olive seal fur Rib: Gold tinsel Body hackle: Ginger/natural red cock hackle Head hackle: Brown partridge

The Irishman's Claret

  More compact than a dabbler but offering a heavier form than a bumble, the Irishman's Claret is a nice wet fly pattern for the top dropper that fishes best in a decent wave. To support my channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-12 Thread: Black Tail: Golden pheasant tippet dyed hot orange Optional flash: Crinkle mirror flash-orange Rib: Fine oval gold Body: Claret seal's fur Body hackle: Claret cock Wing: Bronze mallard Head hackle: Dark claret hen

Book of the Month, June 2021; DIY Bonefishing

  This month's BOTM is available here Rod Harrison's DIY Bonefishing is a fantastic resource for anyone who likes to walk the flats in search of tailing fish of any species. I refer to this book regularly before trips as it's full of useful information & reviewing it really helps fix things in my mind. Don't think it's just for the DIY angler either, there's lots in here that will make you do better when fishing with a guide. Last month's BOTM BOTM 1, Smallmouth is available here BOTM 2, Irish Mayflies is available here

Malloch's Favourite

  Sadly, Malloch's of Perth which had been open for 149 years closed down this year. So it seems fitting to share this fly of P.D Malloch's, which is well worth a swim for midge and olive feeders. To support my channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-16 Thread: Uni 8/0 black Tail: Ginger hackle fibre Tip: Silver tinsel Body: Stripped peacock quill Wing: Woodcock primary Hackle: Dun hen

Scruffy Sedge Pupa

  This emergent pupa is a great subsurface option in a stillwater caddis hatch and can be very effective in rivers too. To support my channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B420 size 10-12 Thread: Uni 8/0 tan Abdomen: SLF Rib: Fine gold wire Legs: Brown fine round rubber/centipede legs Wing buds: Raffene Hackle: Brown partridge Thorax: Hare's ear dubbing

T&S Nymph

  The T&S nymph was published by Trout & Salmon magazine sometime in the 1990s and although it's fallen from favour in recent years it is a good taker of fish in both rivers and stillwaters. To support my channel, get acccess to the online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-16 (or similar) Thread: Uni 8/0 black Tail: Globrite 11 floss Abdomen: Copper wire Thorax: Hare's ear dubbing Bead: Copper (copper coloured tungsten for rivers) Hackle: Grizzle hen

The Solicitor

  The solicitor is a lightly dressed palmer that is great for wild browns on hill lochs across Scotland and further afield. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 Black Tail: Orange hackle fibres Body: Flat gold tinsel Rib: Fine gold wire Body hackle: Ginger cock Head hackle: Furnace hen Get George Barron's book on wet flies "At the End of the Line" here To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

A Glimmer of Hope

Another old post from   Recently I've been tying a box of flies to take to Caithness and the Hebrides once we're able to travel again and I can get to Scotland. The Hebrides, Uist's machair lochs in particular have some of the best wild brown trout fishing out there, mostly traditional wetfly, with dapping also being worth a go if you fancy something a bit different and exciting. There's nothing groundbreaking going in the box, the usual wets, snatchers, muddlers and hedgehogs mostly. Dapping flies, well you only need 2 or 3 patterns; daddies, loch ordies and maybe a tricolor or 2.  Really, whether from boat or bank,  these wild lochs are all about simple fishing, you often don't need much more than floating and intermediate lines. It's more about covering ground and finding fish.   I've almost stocked up on all my favourites, but was looking through some books and  online for some local patterns or a bit of inspiration. The...

Blae, Black & Orange

  This little winged wet is a great choice anywhere you find heather fly falling on the water. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to Get George Barron's book on wet flies "At the End of the Line" here Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 or 170 size 12 Thread: Uni 8/0, black Tail: Golden pheasant tippet dyed orange Rib: Fine silver wire Body: Tying thread 1st hackle: Orange hen Wing: Teal primary feather or similar 2nd hackle: Black hen To support my channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through


  George Barron's Blootch is a lovely modern traditional wet. It offers a more compact form than the bumble with lots of movement in the palmered hen hackles. Get George's book "At the End of the Line" here or his other book "A Fine Line" here To support my channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-12 Thread: Uni 8/0 black Butt: Red seal's fur Body: Claret seal's fur Rib: Silver wire Body hackle: Claret & black hen Head hackle: Kingfisher blue grizzly hen

Pudding House Fly

  This traditional Welsh wet fly works well in a sedge hatch or as a more general prospecting fly. It's not particularly flashy or bright, but it certainly looks like food. The original pattern calls for bright red silk as the rib, but I like the effect of the Globrite. In George Barron's book, he lists a pattern with a red holographic rib which is a nice variation too. Materials List Hook: Kamasan B175 or B170 size 10&12 Thread: Uni 8/0 red Rib: Globrite no.4 Body: Hare's fur dubbing Hackle: Brown partridge Wing: Slips from hen pheasant primary   To support my channel , get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

Anti-static buzzer

  The Anti-static Buzzer has become well established as a fantastic midge imitation. The body material does a great job of representing the trapped gases in an emerging pupa. Materials List Hook: B175 size 8-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 black Rib: Red wire Body: Strip cut from an anti static bag Breathers: White marabou Wing buds: Fl orange angel hair Thorax cover: Mirage tinsel   To support my channel , get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

Is it pronounced "nice" or "nice"?

 An old one I wrote for   Now the rains have stopped and the rivers have cleared up, I've been out wreaking havoc on the local carp.Some days are better than others, but even on the real scorchers I'm catching a couple before retreating back to aircon. There aren't many big fish in the river by me except where it enters the lake, but there are lots of fish in the 3-8lb bracket. I was talking about this in an online carp on fly group and was told by several people that I'd catch more if I fed them with dog biscuits and fished an imitation - not interested. At all.  Amazingly, my reply that I prefer fly fishing to bait fishing caused these folk to take umbrage. A barrage of comments about fishing commercial, stocked fisheries making feeding necessary and hilarious accusations of snobbery followed. All of it is ludicrous of course, we all draw our own lines in the sand. But catching a chummed fish is not the same achievement as spotting, stalking and ...

Shipman's Buzzer

The Shipman's buzzer is an effective and versatile fly that can be fished dry, emerging or subsurface to great effect. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B170 10-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 Breathers: White antron or similar Rib: Pearl tinsel Body: Seal fur or similar dubbing   To support my channel , get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

JH Emerger

John Horsey's emerger is an excellent pattern for targeting midge feeders on reservoirs and lakes. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B100 size 10-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 Shuck: White marabou Rib: Fine wire Abdomen: Pearl tinsel or clear wrap Wing: Poly yarn or aero dry wing Thorax: Seal fur To support my channel , get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

Mirage Buzzer

  This highly effective buzzer pattern has a nice degree of realism without being too fussy or difficult to tie. It works from the surface to the bottom, sinks well and is ideal when the fish are picking off chironomids that are inflating themselves prior to emergence. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 Black, olive, or to suit the hatches in your area Body: Opal mirage tinsel Rib: Flex floss Wing buds: Orange flex floss Breathers: Antron yarn or similar To support my channel , get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

Skinny Damsel Nymph

This simple damsel nymph is a fantastic choice for shallow weedy areas on lakes. This suggestive pattern with the fluorescent head and thorax will almost certainly perform better than closer copy imitations and should definitely be in your stillwater fly box. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-10 or B200 size 10-12 Thread: Uni 8/0 olive Tail: Medium olive marabou Rib: Small olive wire Body: Antron yarn medium olive Thorax: Hare's ear & globrite 11 dubbing blend (60% HE 35% globrite 5%clear antron) Legs: Partridge dyed yellow Thorax cover: Antron yarn medium olive   To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or donate at

Dennis the Manace Buzzer

 Sometimes called Dennis the Menace, b lack and red is one of the most effective colour combinations when it comes to buzzers. On any new stillwater where chironomids are present in numbers this fly is a great starter option. Marterials list Hook: Kamasan B100/B110 or B175 size 10-16 Thread: Uni 8/0 Red and Black Abdomen: Black flexifloss Rib: Fine red holographic tinsel Wingbuds: Orange flexifloss Thorax cover: Medium red holographic tinsel Haemoglobin: Red marker To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or donate at

Green Diawl Bach

The Diawl Bach is a stillwater fixture for good reason, and this green headed version is a must have. It's simple but is a fantastic taker of fish across the UK and further afield. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-14 Thread: UTC 70 fl green Tail: Olive hackle fibres Rib: Small silver wire Body: Peacock herl  Beard: Olive hackle fibres   To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or donate at

Clear Buzzer

  This translucent pale buzzer works wonders on chironomid feeders, especially in very clear water. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B100/110 or B175 Thread: Uni 8/0 rusty dun Breathers: Globrite 16 Abdomen: UV buzzer wrap Rib: UTC 140 purple Thorax cover: UV buzzer wrap Haemoglobin: Red OHP marker applied between layers of varnish To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or donate at

Sizing Hackle

  As an answer to a request from a Patreon supporter, I made this video on sizing hackle. Remeber there are no hard and fast rules and you can adjust to suit your preferences. To support my channel get access to the monthly online tying sessions and be eligible for the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Get your hackle guage

Skinny Hare's Ear

  Simple but incredibly effective this skinny GRHE is a stillwater essential, it can represent a range of food sources and is often more effective than more elaborate patterns. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175/170 size 8-16 Thread: Olive or Tan Uni 8/0 Tail: Guard hairs from a hare's mask Body: Hair plucked from the leading edge of a hare's ear Rib: Gold tinsel To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or donate at

Holographic Bloodworm

  This simple bloodworm pattern will catch fish all year long and is excellent fished deep over softer bottoms. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B420 size 8-12 Thread: Glo-brite floss no.3 Rib 1: Red holographic tinsel Rib 2: Red or silver wire To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or donate at

Olive Buzzer

  This simple buzzer is a great choice when olive green midges are hatching, fished traditionally on a long leader, under an indicator or on a washing line set up. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10-14 Thread: Olive Uni 8/0 Abdomen: Olive thread Rib: Fine silver wire Thorax: Flat 140 thread, chartreuse Thorax cover: Olive nail polish or acrylic paint To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or donate at

Olive Killer Nymph

 Bob Barden, head ranger of Bewl Water, has come up with some great patterns and the Killer Nymph is one of the best. Simple and scruffy it's a general suggestive pattern that you must have in your box if fishing stillwaters.  To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or donate at Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: 8/0 Olive or Black Tail: Olive cock hackle  Rib: Copper wire Body: Olive seal's fur

Turtle Hatch

Another old one from  written in Early 2020  My 2 fishing trips since the rules were clarified haven't been great, partly because I was too excited to get back on the water and partly because of other factors.  First day out I decided to go to a river that holds nice smallmouth with Hiromiki - who I'm starting to think might be my Jonah.  It's a tough river, but has regularly produced fish in the 22-23 inch range for me over the last few seasons. Conditions were great and I was feeling pretty good about things. Unfortunately, after covering a couple of hundred metres of river we rounded a bend to see a coffer dam and an excavator working away, and turning the water the colour of chocolate milk. Bugger. Out of the river and a quick walk down stream in search of some clearer water. All we found were more work sites, including a new bridge that's probably going to take more than the rest of the year to finish. Some of the new stuff might actually turn ...

Blakeston Buzzer

  Martin Blakeston's buzzer is an absolutely fantastic lightweight pattern, ideal for straight lining or as a dropper under a bung. I feel it works best when tied as the original rather than with a chunky wound herl thorax. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or donate at Materials list Hook: Kamasan B420 size 10-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Back: Pearl tinsel Rib: Fine mono Thorax cover: Peacock herl  Wing buds: Goose biot or orange glo-brite floss

Heavyweight Buzzer

p   This heavy buzzer pattern is a great point fly for fishing at depth, or as an anchoring fly to slow the drift of your team on windy days. To support the channel get access to the monthly fly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and sign up. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-12 Thread: Uni 8/0, black, red or olive Tail: Marabou Abdomen: Thread Rib: Medium copper wire colour to match or contrast the thread Thorax: Medium copper wire Wing buds: Goose biot Thorax cover: Mirage tinsel or similar

Crisp Packet Buzzer

 This buzzer pattern is simple and deadly, it really leapt in popularity after Graham Pearson won the Brown Bowl using them. If you fish stillwaters from boat or bank you should have them in your box. To support the channel, get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  or h ttps://  and sign up. Materials List Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 black, brown or olive Breathers: White antron yarn Rib: Fine silver wire Wing buds: Strips cut from an orange crisp packet (Doritos or similar)


 Chuck Kraft's Clawdad is a fantastic crayfish pattern, that is ideal for bass, especially smallmouth.   To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron. Material list Hook: Tiemco 5263  Thread: Danville's 140 flat waxed Weight: Painted dumbbells Body: Chenille Claws: CK claws  Legs: Medium round rubber Get the claws here

Near'nuff crayfish

 Dave Whitlock's Near'Nuff Crayfish is a buggy imitation full of movement that works well hopped on bottom, dead drifted or even slowly swung for smallmouth, largemouth and anything else that eats crayfish. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron. Material list Hook: Tiemco 5263 size 4-8 Weight: Lead dumbbell Thread: Uni 6/0 Antennae:2 strands each Crystal flash, black spanflex and barred silileg Mouth parts: Rabbit fur Eyes: Burnt mono painted black Claws: Hen hackle feathers Body: Whitlock's crayfish dubbing Hackle: Hen hackle Rib: 5lb nylon Tail: Rabbit fur


 Hans Van Klinken's Klinkhammer special is great pattern that has spread around the world and spawned many variations, in this video I tie the original style as Hans designed in the 80s. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Material list Hook: Daiichi 1160 size 8-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 and spiderweb/trico Wing: Poly yarn Abdomen: Fine synthetic dubbing like Flyrite or superfine Thorax: Peacock herl Hackle: genetic cock Cement: thinned cellire-50% thinners

May/June 2021 giveaway

 The Winner of May's selection is  Stevie Gardiner. To supporth the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and sign up or donate through Book of the month for June is Modern Terrestrials, it's available here BOTM 1, Smallmouth is available here BOTM 2, Irish Mayflies is available here

UV got to be joking!

 Another Old one I wrote for I've recently been watching a wildlife documentary called Night on Earth about the nocturnal goings on in the animal kingdom, and I've been enjoying it a lot.  The quality of the low light footage is amazing, maybe soon there will be a consumer level camera that can pick up the lumo lines at night! As entertaining as it has been, the coral reef episode was what really grabbed me. They were shining a black-light over the corals to show how they flouresce, which also showed how many reef species are also fluorescent. Mantis shrimp, crabs, gobies and lizard fish all displayed fluorescent pigment, all prey species for loads of flats targets. Being fluorescent doesn't seem like a particularly good survival strategy, but apparently it acts as some kind of sun protection by converting harmful UV light to less damaging visible light, makes sense if you make your living in tropical flats under knee deep. This has a lot of implications f...

Balloon Caddis

 Roman Moser's Balloon caddis has great floatability and can be fished as an emerger, skated as an adult imitation or makes a great dry dropper. To support my channel, get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Material list Hook: Standard dry fly 8-16 Thread: UTC 70 Body: Your choice of dubbing  Wing: Deer or elk hair Balloon: Plastazote foam

Shadow Mayfly

Peter Deane's Shadow Mayfly was devised for the large mayfly hatches of the English chalk streams but is a popular choice for loch/lough style fishing in Scotland and Ireland as well for dapping. To support my channel,get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Material list  Hook: Long shank 10-12 (kamasan B830 is ideal) Thread: Uni 8/0 red or black Tail: (optional) Moose hair or similar Wing: Ginger/Red game hackle tips cut to shape Body: Tightly palmered grizzly cock hackle  

Book Of The Month 3: Modern Terrestrials

 Modern Terrestrials is a great book covering fly tying and fishing a huge selection of patterns to imitate a wide range of land borne trout foods. I really like this book, and use patterns from it for my summer trout, bass and carp fishing. Most of the patterns are for terrestrial dry flies, but it does include some sunken patterns too. It's available from the links below BOTM 1, Smallmouth is available here BOTM 2, Irish Mayflies is available here