Head to https://www.patreon.com/flickingfeathers to support the channel, get access to the monthly zoom tying sessions and be entered into the giveaways Here's another from Sexy Loops I like tying flies, I like seeing nice flies tied by other people which social media is great for. However I am not so enamoured about the number of people who proudly declare that their flies catch fish, not fishermen. It's an attitude that worries me and I'm sure that it's not isolated to flytying -what percentage of fly anglers actually practise casting? Often, when I run a tying class on trout flies I have to make the point that scruffy and buggy doesn't mean badly tied. Practising and improving will allow the tier to make the decision about how rough-or not- the fly on their vice is going to be. Obviously there are other advantages to being able to tie more than your shoe laces, not least consistency. If I tie 10 or 100 of the same pattern I want them all to look exactly the...
A Japan based, fly fishing blog covering a range of species from fresh water to salt.