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Showing posts from September, 2019


Step by step instructions for a simple but deadly leech imitation that is deadly for all kinds of species. Head to for access to members only content and to enter the Giveaways. Materials Used Hook: TMC 5263 size 2-10 Thread: 3/0 to match body colour Weight: lead wire Tag: Flashabou Tail: Rabbit zonker Body: Rabbit fur

Oh Ya Bastart!

Step by step instructions for a simple but effective merkin variation. the leg orientation really makes this pattern for me, it's well worth a places in your box. Head to to be eligible for the giveaways and get access to the members only content. Materials used. Hook: Gammakatsu SL11-3H Weight: dumbbells or bead chain Thread: flat waxed nylon Tail: marabou Body: EP fiber Legs :silli legs


Step by step instructions for a killer little bonefish shrimp. sign up to enter the giveaways and get access to members only content Materials. Hook: SL11-3H or equivalent size 8-4 Thread: Tan, Gotcha pink or Orange Flat Waxed Nylon Weight: bead chain or dumbbells Mouth parts : marabou Hot spot: crystal chenille collar:Ginger or tan hackle Legs: sillli legs body: dubbed craft fur

Moore's Agent Orange

Step by step instructions for Moore's Agent Orange bonefish fly.  Although it may seem a bit simple by modern standards it is reputedly a killer in the Yucatan and Belize. To enter the giveaways and get access to members only content head to and support the channel. Materials Hook: SL11-3H size 4-8 or equivalent Thread: FL orange flat waxed nylon Body:  Orange chenille Wing: Orange craft fur flanked with 2 grizzly hackle tips

Tying an Absolute Flea

Instructions for a great bonefish fly that works for all kinds on flats species.  to Enter the giveaways and get access to the members only content head to and sign up. Materials list Hook: saltwater hook of your choice 2-8 Thread: flat waxed nylon Weight: bead chain or dumbbells to suit depth Butt: chenile Tail: 4 hackle tips tied splayed Collar: cock hackle Body: shaggy dubbing or leech yarn Weed guard: hard nylon

Fat Albert

The Fat Albert is a nice chunky foam dry for terrestrial feeders. Great for trout, bass and more. To enter the giveaways and get access to members only content head to and sign up for as little as $1. Materials list Hook: TMC 2302 or other hopper hook Thread:Flat waxed nylon Body: 2mm fly foam Wing: Poly yarn Legs: Medium round rubber

Tying a Red Francis

The Francis is truly one of the most effective salmon flies. Tie them on tiny hooks to large tubes, they all work. To enter the giveaways  and support the channel head to and become a patron Materials Used Tube: 1 inch copper Thread: 8/0 uni Tail: Calf tail Feelers: Stripped hackle stems Hackle: Red game Body: Red wool Rib: oval gold

Tokyo Spider

Instructions for a very effective panfish spider.  The Tokyo spider is a chunky bug ideal for hanging nymphs below.  Although it's a panfish fly it works well for bass trout and others too. or Find the paypal button on the channel page to enter the giveaways. Material list Hook: Dry fly size 8 or Gamma SC15 size 6 Thread: 6/0 Body: 2mm foam Legs: Round rubber

The General Practitioner

The General Practitioner has fallen from favour a bit in recent years but is still well worth a place in your box. To enter the giveaways head to and become a patron Materials list Hook: Single, double or treble of your choice Thread: 8/0 uni fire orange Tag: Oval gold tinsel Tail: orange bucktail,          pig bristle (optinal),         orange crystal flash (optional)        golden pheasant tippet        golden pheasant breast feather. Body: Hot orange seal fur Rib: Oval gold tinsel Hackle: Orange chinese cock hackle Wings: Golden pheasant tippet with a red breast feather over

The Imitation Game

Here's an old one I wrote for Sexyloops , you can follow the link to see more articles there. I've recently spent a lot of time looking at pictures of winged termites and hoglice (sow bugs for our American friends) trying to dial in some better imitations than I've seen so far. For termites there's not alot out there so there's a lot of messing around trying to get something that will look edible to a wild gourami. Because of  Paul 's input on gourami being very hard to fool and termites being a new imitation, I'm giving it much more time at the design and willing to allow the individual tie to be much longer than a trout fly would take-if my new hoglouse takes more than about 3minutes to tie, it's not acceptable when a Ray Charles will do largely the same job most of the time. So why bother? Well, it's a combination of things for me, a bit of confidence, a bit of giving them something different and just the enjoyment of spending time playing aro...

Tying a Foamulator

Step by step instructions for Randall Kaufmann's foamulator.  An fun tie and an effective stonefly imitation that works as a generic terrestrial pattern too. To get access to members only content and be eligible for giveaways, head to or  to support the channel Materials List Hook: 3xl standard wire Thread: Danville's 6/0 Tail: deer or elk hair Back: 2mm foam Rib: fine gold wire Body: ice dub Body hackle: dyed grizzly saddle 1st wing: crystal flash or flashabou 2nd wing: web-wing or similar 3rd wing: deer or elk hair Sighter: poly yarn Thorax: ice dub Thorax hackle: grizzle saddle Legs: barred rubber Thorax cover: 2 mm foam

glo bug

Step by step instructions for an absolutely deadly fly that is ideal for beginners to try tying.  The globug works for trout, salmon, bass perch, carp and more..  Head to to get access to giveaways and members only content and support the channel or if you prefer Materials list Hook: Your choice but TMC 105 or 784 are good Thread: 140 denier nylon Body: Glo-bug Yarn

Barr's Meat Whistle

Step by step instructions for Barr's Meat Whistle, an excellent bass fly that fills the niche of the conventional anlger's jig for the fly fisherman. Twitter/instagram @flickinfeathers Materials List Hook: 90 degree jig hook Weight: tungsten cone Thread: 8/0 Body: sparkle braid or similar Rib: nylon or wire Wing/tail: Rabbit zonker Flash: Flashabou Legs: silli legs in a contrasting colour Collar: marabou