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Mohican Mayfly

  Oliver Edwards' Mohican May is a great choice for imitating duns of the larger mayfly species like green drakes down to perhaps March browns or LDOs. It floats well, offers a great footprint and certainly fools picky trout. I find it to be a better performer on rivers than stillwaters, but others do have good success on stillwaters with it. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B160 size 8-12 or B170 size 10-14 Thread: Yellow, Olive or primrose Uni 8/0 Tail: Moose body hair Body: 2mm foam in a suitable colour Wing: Deer hair Hackle: 2 suitably coloured cock hackle- grizzle, yellow, olive etc. Thorax:Dark dubbing Book of the Month 8: Strip-Set is available here Using the link will help support my channel at no extra cost to you. To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying classes and enter the giveaways head to and sign up.