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Showing posts with the label chironomid

Near Perfect Buzzer

  Another of Stan Headley's flies, the near perfect buzzer is an excellent chironomid imitation for loch style fishing. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B420 size 12-14 Thread: Black Uni 8/0 Abdomen: Stripped peacock eye quill, heavily varnished Cheeks: Go brite floss no 7 or 8 Thorax: Peacock herl Hackle: Sparse dun hen

Anti-static buzzer

  The Anti-static Buzzer has become well established as a fantastic midge imitation. The body material does a great job of representing the trapped gases in an emerging pupa. Materials List Hook: B175 size 8-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 black Rib: Red wire Body: Strip cut from an anti static bag Breathers: White marabou Wing buds: Fl orange angel hair Thorax cover: Mirage tinsel   To support my channel , get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

Mirage Buzzer

  This highly effective buzzer pattern has a nice degree of realism without being too fussy or difficult to tie. It works from the surface to the bottom, sinks well and is ideal when the fish are picking off chironomids that are inflating themselves prior to emergence. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 Black, olive, or to suit the hatches in your area Body: Opal mirage tinsel Rib: Flex floss Wing buds: Orange flex floss Breathers: Antron yarn or similar To support my channel , get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through

Dennis the Manace Buzzer

 Sometimes called Dennis the Menace, b lack and red is one of the most effective colour combinations when it comes to buzzers. On any new stillwater where chironomids are present in numbers this fly is a great starter option. Marterials list Hook: Kamasan B100/B110 or B175 size 10-16 Thread: Uni 8/0 Red and Black Abdomen: Black flexifloss Rib: Fine red holographic tinsel Wingbuds: Orange flexifloss Thorax cover: Medium red holographic tinsel Haemoglobin: Red marker To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or donate at

Holographic Bloodworm

  This simple bloodworm pattern will catch fish all year long and is excellent fished deep over softer bottoms. Materials list Hook: Kamasan B420 size 8-12 Thread: Glo-brite floss no.3 Rib 1: Red holographic tinsel Rib 2: Red or silver wire To support the channel, get access to the monthly tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or donate at

Crisp Packet Buzzer

 This buzzer pattern is simple and deadly, it really leapt in popularity after Graham Pearson won the Brown Bowl using them. If you fish stillwaters from boat or bank you should have them in your box. To support the channel, get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  or h ttps://  and sign up. Materials List Hook: Kamasan B175 size 8-14 Thread: Uni 8/0 black, brown or olive Breathers: White antron yarn Rib: Fine silver wire Wing buds: Strips cut from an orange crisp packet (Doritos or similar)

Olive Scruffy Buzzer

 To support my channel,get access to the monthly online tying sessions and enter the giveaways head to  and become a patron or support through

Iced bead midge

 This is basically a zebra/mercury midge using an ice-blue wire rib and blue pearl glass bead.  I find this fly works very well in tailwaters and stillwaters, especially in winter. To support the channel and be eligible for giveaways head to and become a patron or support through   Materials list  Hook: TMC 2488 size 14-24 Bead: Blue pearl lined glass bead (I found these in an accessory making shop) Thread: Uni 8/0 black Rib: Ice blue semperfli wire

Blushing Buzzer

Stan Headley's Blushing Buzzer is a fantastic chironomid imitation for loch style fishing. It can be used like a wet fly or nymph and is deadly in a black buzzer hatch. To support my channel and enter the giveaways head to and become a patron or support through Materials list Hook: Kamasan B420 or similar size 10-14 Thread: Black 8/0 Body: Tying thread, well varnished Thorax: Peacock herl Cheeks: Globrite no.8 floss Hackle: Black hen (sparse)