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Showing posts with the label euronymph

The straggler

Here are instruvtions for an effective little nymph pattern I've been working on.  It's a quick, easy tie that works well for trout and grayling. Follow me on twitter or instagram @flickinfeathers for more flishing content. Materials used Hook: Knapek jig size 10-16 Weight: Tungsten bead Tail: Egg yarn Abdomen: Straggle string Hackle : CDC feather Thorax: ice dub

Straggle String Caddis Larva

Step by step instructions for a simple but effective caddis imitation.  Try this anywhere you'd fish Czech or European style nymphs. Materials Hook: Knapek Gammarus14-6 Weight: flat lead Thread: Semperfli Nano silk Rib: 4lb mono Shell back: Sybai fine stretch Body: Semperfli straggle string

Perdigon Nymph

Number 12 in the fly tying for beginners series is a basic Perdigon nymph.  These are great little nymphs for  Czech, French and other European style nymphing.  You can make them more complex if you want to by adding a rib, quill body or flashback etc. but you'll catch plenty of trout and grayling on the simplest versions. Materials Used Hook: Jig hook 14-16( I used Knapek) Head: Slotted tungsten bead Weight: .015 lead wire Tail: Coq de Leon Body : Veevus 10/0 Collar: Contrasting Veevus 10/0 Wing case: Black nail polish Coating: UV resin

Red Tag Jig

Step by step instructions for an easy to tie, but deadly nymph pattern. The red tag will work for trout, grayling and others, so should find a place in any nymph fisher's box.  Follow me on twitter or instagram for more fishing content  @flickinfeathers Materals used Hook: Knapek jig 12-16 Bead: slotted tungsten Thread: dark 8/0 Tag: Flame glo bug yarn Body: peacock herl Rib: silver oval tinsel or wire Thorax: black ice dub

Grayling Bomb!

Step by step instructions for a really effective river bug. Don't be fooled by the name, this fly works for trout, carp and barbel as well as grayling. Find me on twitter or instagram @flicking feathers for more fishing content. Materials used Hook: Knapek Gammarus 8-12 Weight: 2 tungsten beads Thread: Fl orange or pink Rib: silver oval tinsel Body: Glister sparkle dubbing

Bibio Perdigon Nymph

Step by step instructions for an effective perdigon variation.  These little nymphs are highly effective for both trout and grayling and  well worth their place in any nymph box. For more fishing content find me on twitter or instagram @fickinfeathers Materials Used Hook: Jig hook 14-18 Bead: Black slotted tungsten Thread: Black Tail: Cock hackle fibres Rib: pearl crystal flash Thorax: Red tinsel Thorax cover: black nail polish top coat UV resin

Getting back to trout.. maybe

Step by step instructions for a simple but effective nymph pattern.  This is a basically a variation on a Walt's Worm but can be very effective in slightly darker or more colored water. Follow me on Twiiter or instagram @flickinfeathers for more fishing content. Matrials Used Hook: 12-18 jig hook Thread: Veevus 10/0 hot orange Rib: Pearl Crystal Flash Body:Natural squirrel fur